Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Determining the Relative Advantage

Determining the Relative Advantage

Describe the notion of "relative advantage" with respect to improving technology implementation methods. Identify specific teaching and learning problems that technology can help address and how it can create learning opportunities that did not exist.

Relative advatage is a way in which one looks a current method of doing something and compares that to an older/other method, then make a decision based on the advantages and disadvantages whether to adopt the new method or not.
In respect to technology and improving technology implementation methods, relative advantage is crucial because of the fact that technology is constantly changing and being updated. If more teachers are shown the benefits to using new and updated forms of technology, they are more likely to adpot the new technology and put it to use in their own classrooms. Some teaching and learning problems that technology can help adress include the following:
~easier asscess to information
~Visual examples help clarify new concepts
~Takes out time consuming skills and allows for students to focus on learning
~Provides students with technological competence in order to prepare them for the outside world, namely the workplace
~reviews of missed work
~Technology can create learning opportunities that did not exist in ways such as offering distance courses when a school cannnot find or does not have a teacher for advanced courses
~Offers the use of multimedia or simulations to enhance learning is areas of study where materials such as science labs are not provided
~Drill and practice software allows teachers and students to become involved in the use of technology by having the students complete drills on the computer and receive immediate feedback.

Resources:Roblyer, M.D. & Edwards, J., (2005). Integrating Educational Technology into Teaching (Fourth Edition). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007


My name is Alysha Scott. I am a Junior at Towson University and I am majoring in History with a Secondary Education subplan. I set up this Blog page for my ISTC 301 class.